Summer Reading Programs
Wild About Reading!
Summer Reading Program will begin Monday, June 3rd – Wednesday, July 3rd.
Summer Reading Kick-Off Party!
Join us on Monday, June 3rd from 11:00am-1:00pm at Legacy Park in Manteno. Special Events that day include Games, Tattoo Table, Snacks, Moon Sand and a surprise from the Friends of the Manteno Public Library.
In the event of rain, the Kick-Off Party will be held at Manteno Public Library from 11:00am – 1:00pm.
Earn Badges & Prizes
For our Kids Program- Participants in the Kids Program can earn up to 10 badges! For every badge you earn, you will receive a raffle ticket for the prize baskets! To earn your first badge, be sure to stop by our Kick Off Party! You will also receive your badge checklist and a ball chain to keep all your badges together!
Badge checklists and ball chains can also be picked up at the library if you cannot attend the Kick Off Party.
Earn Raffle Tickets
Kids Program: When completing certain reading activities or attending certain programs you will earn raffle tickets! Once you fill out the raffle ticket with your information, you can deposit your raffle ticket in the prize basket of your choosing at the library. Raffle tickets can be picked up at the library on the certain days and times listed below.
Teens & Adults Program: Participants have the choice of using the Reader Zone app or a paper BINGO sheet to complete their reading activities. Completing 5 activities using the Reader Zone or getting a BINGO earns you a raffle ticket.
For participating using the paper BINGO sheet, you can submit your sheet and receive your raffle tickets at the Circulation Desk. If you are using the app, tickets will automatically be submitted for every 5 activities you complete.
Kids: Earn Badges
Take part in our exciting programs and earn badges for your participation! Badges will be awarded at these programs: Summer Reading Kick Off Party, Animals Around the World, and Safari Storytime.
There are also reading activities in the Reader Zone that you can earn badges for once you have completed the activity. This year, you will also receive a badge for completing all activities. Badges can be picked up at the library on the days and times listed below.
Raffle Ticket & Badge Pickup
After completing a badge activity in Reader Zone, simple visit the Children’s Department and see Ms. Jen or Ms. Jamie to collect your badge. We will confirm your completion of the activity and present you with your badge and raffle ticket.
Pick Up Hours:
Monday & Tuesday: 9:30am -4:00pm
Wednesday: 9:30am-6:30pm
Thursday: 9:30am-4:00pm
Friday: 9:30am-2:00pm
** The last day to pick up your badges is Wednesday, July 10th.

Helpful Tips
- No registration is required! Simply download the Reader Zone app and start reading!
- Download the Reader Zone app from the Google Play or App Store.
- The code for Kids Program is e6963
- The code for Teens (11 & up) & Adults Program 0d42d